That I May Know Him

And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. ~ 1 John 5:20 (KJV)

Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Always a no show

My friend, and colleague, Mitchelle (yep, with a T in the middle), has been invited numerous times to come to church. It was originally her idea! I was sharing the gospel to her a while ago, and she said she really wants to come to church, at least, she knows she should. That was probably two months ago, and she has been a no show every Sunday ever since!

Here's the odd thing. Every weekend the staff does something to hang out, and I very rarely join them, make that almost never. I spend my weekends with my church people, and would not want to have it any other way. Mitchelle, however, is the opposite, and always joins them!

Mitchelle accepted that I call her every Sunday morning and remind her to come to church. I have kept my part of the deal.

Finally, last Friday, I got serious with her. The Lord put it on my heart and in my mouth to be frank with her:

As your friend, I'm only saying this for your own good. How come you always go drinking, smoking and chilling every weekend with the
girls??? You've accepted every single invitation and have not missed one
outing. But you have no time for the Lord. You spend Saturdays
nights consuming alcohol, drinking, smoking, doing all sort of stuff you
always say you wish you could quit. Yet, come Sunday mornings, you're in
bed, because you have had quite the night prior. God will be
harder on you than all your other friends you hang out with, because you have
heard the gospel much more than once. You get an invitation to come worship at the Lord's house every week, but you always refuse.

I was pretty amazed that the Lord gave me courage and boldness to speak such words to her. She took it really well though, and asked not to forget calling her on Sunday morning, which I did.

Did she come to church this past Sunday? NO

Will she be in church this Sunday? Probably not. The girls from the office are going to some sort of fancy gala, organized by a bunch of JW's, for breast cancer awareness on saturday night!!!!! I feel like yelling at Mitchelle.

She goes to events raising awareness for breast cancer, not to mention the whole JW thing, when her own body, and her own soul are cursed and condemned to everlasting and unquenching fire. What will it take? Pastor Larry has been preaching on the Fear of the Lord during Sunday School.

That's it, I will pray that the Lord will put His fear in her heart. I really want to see that girl saved!


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