Whiter than Snow has a whole new meaning

When we are born again our sins are forgiven. We are washed “whiter than snow.” I’ve had that thought in mind for a while, especially since last week, when Montreal was literarily bombarded with tons of snow. I remember coming back from prayer meeting last Wednesday night in the midst of the snow storm. When the snow first falls down, it’s breathtaking. It’s pure white and almost reflects like crystal. I love watching it falling down; the very sight of it is peaceful.
Whiter than snow - that’s pretty clean. Can you imagine whiter than snow? Anything whiter than snow must have a touch of the glory of God upon it. And that is precisely it; the precious blood of Jesus washes all our sins away.
This concept applies even after salvation. Our lives can still get stained and dirty by sin and we aren't very pretty to look at. Some people try a lot of things to clean up their lives. Some think that if they will just go to church, they will get clean, but the stain is still there. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away even the worst stains in our life.
When we fall down, we can plead Psalm 51:7 and we will receive the promise of forgiveness of sins through 1 John 1:9. What a beautiful thought that Christ can wash us clean and make us pure again. Only He can wash us whiter than snow!
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 1:46:00 AM,
Genesis 3:15 said…
just like the hymn....
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:33:00 PM,
Antonio said…
How often I have been stained.
(I do clean up well, though!)
Praise Jesus!
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:48:00 PM,
Matthew Celestine said…
Good post.
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:08:00 PM,
Redeemed said…
Joe, just like the hymn :)
Antonio, aren't you glad we're saved by grace!! ;)
Matthew, thanks!!!
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:31:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Praise God for the blood of Jesus Christ!
At Thursday, February 22, 2007 12:43:00 PM,
Redeemed said…
At Sunday, November 25, 2007 7:16:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Could be a good site. Needs a little darkening. Too faded to read.
Other than that, content is good.
It is great to be washed whiter than snow, to know my sins are washed away, and to have the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
At Wednesday, February 08, 2012 3:45:00 AM,
Glenda Kemp-Harper said…
Want to see a real current example of the blood of Jesus washing us whiter than snow? Go to my blog http://glendakemp.wordpress.com/ What a mighty God we serve.
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