Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord
"...stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day...". Exodus 14:13A simple verse. A most familiar Bible passage. Christians, as well as non-believers, most certainly know how that God brought salvation to the Israelites by parting the Red Sea and helped them escape the evil hands of Pharaoh and his Egyptian army. There is much power to God's words "stand still". In fact, one of my favorite Psalms comes from chapter 46, verse 10 "Be still and know that I am God". It seems to me that every time we need Him, all He requires us to do is to be still. How simple! We are to be still and to keep our trust in Him and He will do all the work and prove that His is the Almighty God and that nothing is ever too difficult for Him.
Recently, those words "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord"

In early August, I found out that I was pregnant again! My husband and I quickly fell to our knees and thanked the Lord for this wonderful gift of His. During the first few weeks into the pregnancy, I quickly started experiencing the common pregnancy symptoms and I was often getting sick. Then, eleven weeks into my pregnancy, on a Sunday afternoon, without any other prior symptoms, I started bleeding very heavily and we quickly assumed that I was having yet another miscarriage. My husband took my hand and prayed with me and then we both rushed to the hospital expecting the worst. Thankfully, a lot of people were praying for us as they were sharing our hurt. On the way to the hospital, my loving mom sent me a text message on my phone with the following words: "stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord." As sad I was feeling, I knew that it was God's will to take the child home. After all, that had been our prayer from the very first day; we simply wanted God's perfect will for our lives. After reading my mom's message and knowing that she, along with our families and friends were praying for us, God gave both my husband and I peace.
Then, at the hospital, I was given an ultra-sound and as the technician was looking at the screen, I kept thinking "there's nothing in there for you to see". But just like that, there it was. A heartbeat. There was our child on the screen. As we heard that first little heartbeat, we couldn't but think "God is good". From the hospital room, I was able to talk to my mom on the phone and we kept thinking of the verse that God had put on her heart to send me. Out of all the things she could have said, and out of all the Bible verses she could have thought of, God gave her "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." I still get chills in my body when I think how that He saved our baby. We saw His salvation.
A few days later, one of my best friends, more like a dear sister of mine, Nadia, called me and told me to go back to Exodus 14:13. You see, that day, that very same passage was her morning Bible Reading and God showed her the rest of the verse. Not only did He say to stand still and see His salvation, but He went on to promise "which He will show you today". That is exactly what God did for us on Oct 2, 2011. He saved our baby boy on that very same day.
Now as we prepare for His arrival in late April, I can't but thank the Lord for our little miracle baby boy each and every day. Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever. How very true! The same God that wrought a miracle by parting the Red Sea, has wrought a miracle by saving our little baby boy. I look forward to the day that he is old enough for us to tell him how that God saved Him and how that I consider him my little miracle and gift from God's own hands. My husband and I already pray that He in turn, will grow up and be saved and call on the name of Jesus Christ at a young age and that He will always have a tender heart for the Lord and for His word. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus, that you are and always be the God that brings Salvation to His people.
At Friday, December 02, 2011 8:41:00 AM,
Corry said…
God is so good and we pray He will continue to bless all of you.
We are so happy for you. Congratulations to both of you with this little addition and may God watch over him, bless him in every aspect of his life and guide and lead him in the way He sees fit.
Much love and (((HUGS)))
God's Grace.
At Saturday, December 03, 2011 8:47:00 PM,
Consecrated said…
so good see you back in the blog sphere. looking forward to more posts.
At Friday, November 02, 2012 8:36:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
thank you for posting this. the Lord spoke to me in prayer this morning, so I googled what He said ;) "stand still and see the salvation of God." your blog was a top result. this story has brought fresh tears of peace to me. thank you so much! blessings, staci
At Saturday, January 26, 2013 10:27:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is so beautiful! I am a 32 year old seminarian who desperately needs the salvation of The Lord to bring fruitfulness and victory. God whispered this word to me this morning and when I googled it I saw your awesome testimony. God bless you and thank you so much for sharing. I look forward to sharing my praise report with you when this word brings fruit in my own life. I pray for a wow testimony that demonstrates the creativity, ingenuity, and brilliance of our God. I love you, Jesus! You are Di awesome.
At Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:32:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
God is so good! I thank God for all that He has done for you through your family and friends. Such a great testimony. God spoke to me this morning "Be still and know the salvation of the Lord" so I google it and here I am reading your testimony. Such inspiration it broke tears to my eyes. God is real and a very present help in the time of trouble. Thank you and God bless.
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At Monday, August 05, 2013 5:14:00 AM,
Cassyb said…
God gave me this word this morning for a very dear friend - a daughter she is to me - "stand still and see the (glory) salvation of the Lord" I googled it in my devotion and read your praise report. I hope mother, father and son are flourishing in the Lord. I wait with excitement to see what the Lord will finish what He has started in my adopted daughter's life!
At Saturday, October 12, 2013 11:14:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
John 10:10"The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and that life more abundantly!" Please stop blaming God for the death of your child!! Every good and perfect gift comes from God, He did not take your baby.
At Wednesday, March 19, 2014 5:16:00 PM,
Alex moner said…
During the first few weeks into the pregnancy, I quickly started experiencing the common pregnancy symptoms and I was often getting sick. Autoblogs
At Friday, January 30, 2015 4:13:00 PM,
Garym.sozo said…
Praise God for His wonderful infinite mercy and grace. I see your baby in Jesus arms but I do not see that God willed him home. Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance. Every good gift comes from the Father of light. Satan came to kill steal and destroy and it is his desire that all blame gets placed on our Father in heaven.
Jesus blesses and despite what happened you have and are blessed.
Satan is the thief
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