I love my mami and my brother
I have a lot to tell you, but I'll wait till you come back. Most of it is giving thanks to God. Even though I'm having a long and somewhat difficult week, I feel God's hand in my life. It's so wonderful to be in constant communication with Him all day long. I just give Him a shout and He comes through. I'm praying for the Lord to help my unbelief, and He is. I can taste His goodness now and I can't stop talking about Him.
I went to church with Virginia tonight and I treated her to supper afterwards. Long stroy, but she finally broke up with Mike (last week) and God caught her right back. Sonia put her in touch with Gab's brother, who also went through and engagement breakup and they seem to be hitting off, at least on a friendly (and e-mail) basis for now. I'm real happy for her! That is an answered prayer. Mike actually seems happy, it's odd. I'm sure he's hurting, just not letting it show....
Church was really from 7 to 8, since preachers class started. All the women felt so unwanted afterwards, lol, as we left to church for the men to start the class. Seems like alllll the men of our church are taking the course!!!
I have to go pray now and go to sleep too. I'm praying for you mom, that God is giving you plenty of witnessing oppurtinites and that He'll bring you back safely. Rev., you're always in my prayers too, I cannot wait to see you and hug you in person. Actually, I cannot wait to HUG both of you!!!!! I'll just hug myself for now, but that's kinda odd!? I'll just wait till I see you both.
There's more to say, but it's easier in person, also cuz I'm kinda sleepy. Please keep me in prayer. I cannot wait to finish this week...I still need to prepare my lesson for Awana and I'm also teaching children's church this sunday. Please pray that I give good lessons. I'm also looking forward to go tract passing on saturday. After the metro, I'm thinking of going downtown to by me something nice...as in a new bible case...and maybe a nice skirt...I look good in nice skirts...ok, here I go again, blablabla...
Well, meet you guys in dreamland!!! Bye for now. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
At Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:07:00 PM,
Consecrated said…
Hey Sarah,
Glad to learn that Virg. is now free. Tell her I think she did the right thing. Why rush?
As for me, I am witnessing left right and centre, giving tracts to all in the office.
Working very hard.
Cheer up. The Lord will look after you. Then mami will come. Greet Liz and Brendan for me, and Mark and all who ask.
Love you LATS.
At Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:07:00 PM,
Consecrated said…
Hey Sarah,
Glad to learn that Virg. is now free. Tell her I think she did the right thing. Why rush?
As for me, I am witnessing left right and centre, giving tracts to all in the office.
Working very hard.
Cheer up. The Lord will look after you. Then mami will come. Greet Liz and Brendan for me, and Mark and all who ask.
Love you LATS.
At Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:07:00 PM,
Consecrated said…
Hey Sarah,
Glad to learn that Virg. is now free. Tell her I think she did the right thing. Why rush?
As for me, I am witnessing left right and centre, giving tracts to all in the office.
Working very hard.
Cheer up. The Lord will look after you. Then mami will come. Greet Liz and Brendan for me, and Mark and all who ask.
Love you LATS.
At Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:07:00 PM,
Consecrated said…
stupid computer. why did it type the message three times. I woner.
At Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:45:00 PM,
Redeemed said…
Lol, that's too funny. The computer is just like you!!! It repeats the same thing over and over and over again. Hahahaha, I'm dying over here!!!!!!
Thanks for all your encouragement. I'm so glad you're witnessing and may you get to taste of the fruit of your labour!
I look forward to seeing you real soom.
Bye mami, luv ya lots
At Friday, January 27, 2006 11:32:00 AM,
Consecrated said…
This may be my last electronic message to you. Mission accomplished at the office. Going to a tourist place today.
Pls. hang in there. Won't be much longer. Praying for you.
Love you lots.
At Friday, January 27, 2006 1:09:00 PM,
Redeemed said…
Haha, mom, why do u keep saying hang in there. It's all good.
Have fun, oh, and peice of advice, don't fall in the volcano!!!!!!
Ciao for now, luv ya lots.
At Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:42:00 AM,
Consecrated said…
It is saturday morning around 3am. got up early because I am being picked up at 6am. Going with three colleagues from the office to the volcaano and it is a three hour drive each way. Last night I went to downtown San Jose. It reminded me of the old streets of Cairo, in certain places. a couple of shell necklaces, pink, blue and pistache. Then on the way home we drove through Sodom and Gommorrah area. What a frightful sight. Went to bed. Spanish words that I had learnt this week kept jumping infront of me. Boy, did I practice my Spanish this week. I love the language, and I did very well. I am surprised at myself. Some of the girls I worked with speak very little English, so I just had to speak in spanish. I loved it. My Sspanish teacher is going to be very pleased with me, and so will MIGUEL. I could carry on conversations at a reasonabey understandble level. The people here are very friendly. Visisted a coffee plantation yesterday. They put on a show telling us all about the coffeee history. Laughed a lot. bought a $90 dollars worth of coffee that will be shipped directly to Montreal, so I don't have to carry them in my suitcase. Souvenirs to give to the office people will be coffee, from Costa Rica plantations, to your coffee cup. I also bought coffee beans dipped in chocolate. You will love them. I think I will have coffee for six months in my deep freezer. hahahah. Good waay to help the Costa Rican economy. Also bought a super Spanish bible with more references than I have seen in any Arabic, English or French Bible. I am going to go some Spanish Bible reading too. Wwhat else. Today is going to be a long day. I leave the house tomorrow at 11 or so tomorrow. Should arrive in Toronto around 10 at night. Leaving to MOntreal around 10 on Mnday morning. Will most probably pick you up from the train station at six on Monday. How is the weather over there. Any snow storm or freezing rain on the way?
Su mama.
At Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:03:00 AM,
Redeemed said…
Hola mamina,
Woohoo, you can now teach me Spanish. Did anyone say COFFEEEEEEEE!!!! YAHOOOO. I'm actually super Hyper, it's 9 am in the morning and I'm extremely hyper, don't ask. I'm so glad you had such a great time. I know the people are very friendly there. Hopefuly one day we can all go to Costa Rica. I asked people at my work, and we're all up for opening a law firm in Costa Rica! How nice would that be. I wish I could go visit that volcano too, sounds super duper exciting. Maybe I should not have coffee before I go visit a volcano though!?
You know, come to think about it, I had a good week, I worked a lottttt, but it could have been worst. I kept on closing my eyes and saying PLEAAASEEEEEE LOORRDDDDD, and he came through. Although, last night, I arrived at church at 6:50, I told Dan I couldn't come earlier, I had an urgency at work. But Awana was fun. We had the store, and there was lotsssss of candy, so the kids were on a sugar rush but it was soooooooooooo funnyyyyyyyyyyy. I HAD AN AWESOME TIME!!! I love kids, and the wackiest is, I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE TEENAGERS, seriously, they're so much fun. Well if they're raised well...you know, we have great parents at our church.
I don't know about tract passing, does not seem anyone is going. I'm on stand by, Giovanni is supposed to call me. If he goes, I go. See, I sometimes wish I were a man, I would not have a problem going on my own, but as a girl, I think it's wrong. It's just asking for trouble. Well either way, I need to get out of the house.
Weather here is nice, yesterday was colder, but by colder, I mean, compared to usual, it was nice. Today is sunny, and veryyyyy mild outside. There's kinda of a spring breeze. It's so unusual for January. Well enough about me, can't wait to talk to you when you get back.
I just have one questions for you: ANY FISHES???? You know what I mean. I'm still praying for yoy.
man, am I hyper or what, I think my keyboard is on fire!!!!!!
At Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:08:00 PM,
Carey said…
Okay, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Sarah, I had no clue Leila was you mom! That's so cool. I wish my mama could blog. She's a technologically challenged baby boomer.
Sarah, you do Awana?? How long have you been involved? I am a former Awana clubber and now teach JV girls.
At Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:37:00 PM,
Redeemed said…
Carey, yes, Leila is my mom. Penofiron (aka Rev.2:17) is my brother.
He's in Lebanon right now. Kinda of a crazy disfunctional family story..
Yes, I teach Awana, and I love it so much.
I've never been a clubber myself, but guess who I'm teaching now? JV!!! How cool is that. I have one girl and one boy. They're pretty much my own adopted children.
It's so great that you teach JV girls. I know I'm just starting to get to know you, but I know this much. You're a godly young lady and I'm sure the Lord is using you to reach out them younger ladies. Oh, and you're also funny and cute! I'm sure the girls appreciate you!!!
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